Saturday, February 2, 2008

I've discovered polymer clay

I always though of polymer clay as something used to make those cute figures you put on top of wedding cakes (which it is).

But having bought some to have a play around with, I looked around the internet for ideas and I've found some wonderful artists who are doing amazing jewellery and other projects.

I have been experimenting with Mokume Gane using the techniques from Carol Blackburn's excellent book "How to make polymer clay beads". Lacking the patience for detailed beadwork and jewellery making, I have been using some of the results on cards. Its ages since I made any but it looks like this year I won't need to rush out to buy birthday cards at the last minute!

This card uses small discs of clay mounted over ric-rac braid on textured card (from my scrapbooking stash!)

This is a closeup of a square clay slice made from golds and browns mixed with turquoise.

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