Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Trade Show

February sees the UK's biggest trade fair for the craft industry with Craft, Hobby & Stitch at the NEC, so we spent last Sunday at the show, checking out all the latest products.

Its the 4th year we have attended so we are getting pretty good at whizzing round, finding the suppliers we want to visit and keeping an eye out for interesting new stuff. My main problem is getting distracted by the gorgeous things which are irrelevant to The Wedding Crafter, but would make a great addition to my crafting stash (which is WAY too big as it is). This year the rubber stamps from Paper Artsy caught my eye and some new scrapbooking stuff from HOTP.

I did also find some really good ideas for the business (which I'm keeping to myself at the moment!) and I would really recommend going if you have a crafty business (its strictly trade only).

This weekend I'm going to the National Wedding Show to check out the latest bridal trends (and the competition) - I think I will need to book a pedicure for early March!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Hello Alison

Yorkshire must be colder than France.
